I haven't been able to get an accurate translation but I've heard it and seen it written a few times. What does this mean?
เงิบ - thai slang
- aire_patta
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:29 pm
Re: เงิบ - thai slang
เงิบ mean " you was thrown off by the fact that you was wrong,and it was very embarrassing" 

- Posts: 3
- Joined: Sun Sep 14, 2014 12:51 am
Re: เงิบ - thai slang
May I ask a question, please? Does this word mean something like "หงายเงิบ"?
- aire_patta
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:29 pm
Re: เงิบ - thai slang
ChalongPhuket wrote:May I ask a question, please? Does this word mean something like "หงายเงิบ"?
Yes the same word.
- Tod Daniels
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Re: เงิบ - thai slang
The thai youth of today are taking this langauge to places it has NEVER been in the history of the language! They are purposely misspelling words, adding tone marks to words which can't use that mark, and changing the definitions of words as they see fit.
This has caused much consternation and vexation by the "powerz-that-be" (ไดโนเสาร์ เต่าล้านปี - dinosaur, million year old turtles) who are alledgely entrusted with preserving the language.
Just so you know ANY language needs to be looked at like a living entity. It must evolve, progress and change based on the demands of the people using the language. The minute it becomes stangnant, doesn't develop it starts dying.. I for one applaud the thai youth of today for taking this langauge which was stangnant for a LONG time into a phase where it is developing at a rate almost too fast to keep up with.
The word เงิบ in the slang of today means หน้าแตก, which translates directly as "broken face", or ขายหน้า which translates directly as "sell face". In reality both terms mean "to lose face". Given the fact that thais are consumed by, saving face, giving face, gaining face and NOT losing face, it is no wonder this term sprang up. It has went from the word หงายเงิบ to just the word เงิบ and can be said when someone does something stupid..
This video by Adam Bradshaw explains it quite well!
หงายเงิบ starts around 1:58, but the whole video is worth watching!
Sorry I tried to paste the youtube video into the post but it wouldn't display. I just linked the URL instead...
The thai youth of today are taking this langauge to places it has NEVER been in the history of the language! They are purposely misspelling words, adding tone marks to words which can't use that mark, and changing the definitions of words as they see fit.
This has caused much consternation and vexation by the "powerz-that-be" (ไดโนเสาร์ เต่าล้านปี - dinosaur, million year old turtles) who are alledgely entrusted with preserving the language.
Just so you know ANY language needs to be looked at like a living entity. It must evolve, progress and change based on the demands of the people using the language. The minute it becomes stangnant, doesn't develop it starts dying.. I for one applaud the thai youth of today for taking this langauge which was stangnant for a LONG time into a phase where it is developing at a rate almost too fast to keep up with.
The word เงิบ in the slang of today means หน้าแตก, which translates directly as "broken face", or ขายหน้า which translates directly as "sell face". In reality both terms mean "to lose face". Given the fact that thais are consumed by, saving face, giving face, gaining face and NOT losing face, it is no wonder this term sprang up. It has went from the word หงายเงิบ to just the word เงิบ and can be said when someone does something stupid..
This video by Adam Bradshaw explains it quite well!
หงายเงิบ starts around 1:58, but the whole video is worth watching!
Sorry I tried to paste the youtube video into the post but it wouldn't display. I just linked the URL instead...
Whoever said 'Money can't buy you love or joy' obviously was not making enough money. <- Quote by Gene $immon$ of the rock group KISS
- labedroomjEt
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дрессировка собак
При правильном воспитании в этих собаках совсем нет агрессии, но сохраняется врождённая смелость кинолог дрессировка собаки Для занятий выбирают место без отвлекающих раздражителей такое, где имеется возможность привязать собаку на цепь групповая дрессировка собак Например, в объявлении может быть написано, что кинолог использует положительное подкрепление дрессировка собак цены Шоколадным или черным с рыжим подпалом (подпал — это определенный цвет шерсти, образующий четко очерченные пятна в окрасе животного) дрессировка собак на дому москва Чаще всего вшами заражаются плохо ухоженные, немытые и нечесаные собаки в жаркое время года кинолог дрессировка собаки Если у Вашего питомца будет выявлено серьезное нарушение психики, мы рекомендуем пройти обследование и лечение, а уже потом заниматься ОКД коррекция поведения собак Очень хорошо, если собака сама зашла в помещение, клетку или вольер поисково-спасательная служба Далее животное начинают обучать простым командам - отзываться на кличку или же свободно гулять по команде дрессировка собак с передержкой московская область Ещё на стадии выбора питомца вам понадобится помощь специалиста, если вы хотите подобрать здоровую собаку, максимально соответствующую вашим ожиданиям групповые тренировки собак в москве Биология нужна, чтобы понимать особенности физического строения животного дрессировка собак на дому москва ,Как выбрать щенка бультерьера При покупке щенка лучше обращаться в специализированные питомники или к проверенным заводчикам